Cosmetic Dentistry

You deserve a beautiful smile. If you don’t like the look of your teeth, do not assume you are powerless. Reach out to our cosmetic dentistry specialists by dialing (763) 689-1151 to schedule an initial consultation, exam and cleaning where we will determine which specific cosmetic dentistry treatments are ideal for your mouth. As an example, our dentist’s teeth whitening service is quite popular. Teeth whitening eliminates discoloring and staining from the teeth to beautify a smile.

Enamel bonding is another popular cosmetic dentistry procedure that rectifies chipped or deeply stained teeth. Composite bonding material is the same used for dental fillings. Such material is malleable, meaning it can be shaped to suit your specific dental needs.

Invisalign clear aligners are the perfect cosmetic solution for those with crooked or improperly spaced teeth. If you are self-conscious about how you look, whether it is as a result of crooked teeth or the potential of wearing ugly metal braces, consider translucent Invisalign aligners. These clear aligners will move your teeth into the proper positions without making you self-conscious about your appearance. The end result is straight teeth and a beautiful smile. This is just one of many examples of our cosmetic dentistry solutions. Meet with our dentist to find out which specific cosmetic dental improvements are ideal for your unique mouth.