Cleanings & Prevention

Regular dental cleanings performed at the dentist’s office and also DIY daily cleanings at home are essential to maintaining the best possible oral health and beauty. If you have not been to the dentist’s office in the past six months, now is the time to schedule an appointment with Pocrnich Family Dental in Cambridge by dialing (763) 689-1151. A regular preventative maintenance schedule will reduce the chances of periodontal disease, tooth decay, potentially expensive restoration procedures and time spent with the dentist.

You can certainly do your part to prevent cavities and gum disease by brushing two times per day and flossing a minimum of once per day. However, specialized dental instruments will be necessary to perform a truly deep clean that beautifies your smile and enhances your oral health. Our dentist and dental hygienists will perform such a deep clean, eliminating the buildup of calculus on your teeth and also below the gum lines.

We will also probe your gums for any indications of periodontal disease. Keep in mind, if you fail to visit with our dentistry for six-month cleanings, mineralized plaque deposits will cling to your teeth, allowing millions of nasty bacteria to harm your oral health by moving toxins directly into the gums. Such an influx of toxins will cause chronic issues and possibly even result in tooth loss.